How to Book Online Appointment for KK Batu 13 Puchong (Temu Janji)

Ever since Covid-19 most Klinik Kesihatan (KK) outlets have implemented online booking services and walk-ins are not accepted. There is no consistency and information online is hard to come by. Hopefully this post helps some of you folks. 

This is a newly implemented booking system as of February 2021

Please take that this post is only for KK Batu 13 Puchong, not KK Batu 14 Puchong which uses a different system (QMED) which you can find on KK Batu 14 Puchong's Facebook page. 

How to Book Online Appointment for KK Batu 13 Puchong:

Step One: Register a profile at

Step Two: Go to this site ( and make your appointment. 

Step Three: Download the app Sistem Temu Janji Klinik KKM onto your phone for convenience

Full FAQ with screenshots here:

Note from FAQ: Sistem ini hanya untuk kes Walk In yang melibatkan sakit biasa/ringan sahaja (seperti selsema, batuk, sakit kepala dan lain-lain yang berkaitan) dan bukan kes yang mempunyai janji temu susulan sebagai contoh janji temu ibu mengandung atau susulan kes-kes Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) seperti diabetes, hyper tension, sakit jantung etc.

Once you have made your appointment, an email confirmation will be sent to you. You will still need to go to KK an hour ahead and self-check in (take a ticket). 

Happy Booking!


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